'I Made a Lot of Bankers Look Very Good,' Brags Trump as Wall Street Titans Enjoy $32 Billion Tax Bonanza | Common Dreams News
'I Made a Lot of Bankers Look Very Good,' Brags Trump as Wall Street Titans Enjoy $32 Billion Tax Bonanza | Common Dreams News
I am one of the people the Big Banks stole from, Trump and many others are involved, but it is much worse than you may know. The ways they do it is called Transnational Organized Crime laundering and investing globally while also trafficking in persons, identity theft, fraud, extortion, home invasions, so much theft, stalking, torture, abductions, and yes Murders.. etc...#Facts
Shawnee HHD, PhD
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#MMIWG #TrumpModels #TrumpInternational #MorganStanley #JPMorganChase #CoAmerica #IdentityStolen #TrustFundsStolen #Corruption #Drugged #Abducted #Tortured #Raped #Filmed #Trafficked #TajMahal #PornHarms #GoHolistic #antihumantrafficking #EndIt N.O.W.
Published on
Thursday, January 16, 2020
byCommon Dreams
'I Made a Lot of Bankers Look Very Good,' Brags Trump as Wall Street Titans Enjoy $32 Billion Tax Bonanza
"It looks like Trump just let the six largest banks 'get away with murder' something he promised he wouldn't do as president," said a senior advisor to Bernie Sanders in response.
byJon Queally, staff writer
Please sign support share https://www.change.org/p/let-
#MMIWG #TrumpModels #TrumpInternational #MorganStanley #JPMorganChase #CoAmerica #IdentityStolen #TrustFundsStolen #Corruption #Drugged #Abducted #Tortured #Raped #Filmed #Trafficked #TajMahal #PornHarms #GoHolistic #antihumantrafficking #EndIt N.O.W.
Published on
Thursday, January 16, 2020
byCommon Dreams
'I Made a Lot of Bankers Look Very Good,' Brags Trump as Wall Street Titans Enjoy $32 Billion Tax Bonanza
"It looks like Trump just let the six largest banks 'get away with murder' something he promised he wouldn't do as president," said a senior advisor to Bernie Sanders in response.
byJon Queally, staff writer
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