The COVID Class Divide, Trump's Narcissism & Handouts for the 1% | The C...

The COVID Class Divide, Trump's Narcissism & Handouts for the 1% | The Common Good with Robert Reich
21,370 views•Streamed live 8 hours ago

Robert Reich

In this episode of The Common Good, Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich discusses the outrage that is Steve Mnuchin, how coronavirus is far from “the great equalizer," Trump blaming the World Health Organization for his own failure to respond while delaying stimulus checks to boost his own ego, and Senate Republicans tucking a $90 billion secret tax change into the coronavirus bill — 80% of which will benefit people making more than $1 million a year. Even during a global pandemic, we’re seeing more socialism for the rich, harsh capitalism for the rest.

Inequality Media Civic Action with Robert Reich is a digital media organization aimed at debunking right-wing lies, educating the public about inequality and imbalance of power, and breaking down solutions to the economic and structural issues plaguing our country. We provide a platform for you to learn, share your ideas, and, hopefully, mobilize your communities to make change for the common good.


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