How the 'Broken Rung' Holds Women Back in the Workplace | NowThis

#Women #Feminism #Career
How the 'Broken Rung' Holds Women Back in the Workplace | NowThis
Dec 2, 2019

NowThis News

‘We call this the broken rung on the ladder to leadership’ — A study found that young women are overlooked for promotions, which has long-term effects on their careers. (In partnership with Time's Up)
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In US news and current events today, Rachel Thomas, president of Lean In, spoke to NowThis News about how women are being blocked from pay raises and promotions that could help further their careers. 

Thomas:  'For decades, we've been talking about the glass ceiling. This invisible barrier in a woman's career, she gets more senior that she just can't get past. But the  real issue is at the first step up to manager. We call this the broken rung on the ladder to leadership.

A lot of the gender gap we see in the workplace where men are getting a little bit more advantage and women aren't are rooted in what's called performance bias. So we tend to slightly overestimate men's performance and slightly underestimate women's performance. And as a result, women need to do more to prove themselves. And one way this plays out is men are often promoted based on potential, what we think they can do, where women are often promoted based on what they've already accomplished.

And it's worse for Latinas and is worse for black women. And then what happens is you end up in the manager level. About two thirds of managers are men. One third of managers are women. You understand how this plays out at every level. There's more women to more men to promote and more men to hire into senior level roles. And women effectively get left behind and they can never catch up.'

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