How Mandatory Minimums Send Innocent People to Prison | Opinions | NowThis

#MandatoryMinimums #Prison #Politics
How Mandatory Minimums Send Innocent People to Prison | Opinions | NowThis
Dec 15, 2019

Yes, you can be innocent and still go to prison. Here’s how mandatory minimums tip the scales of justice away from the people.

In US news and current events today, public defenders from around the U.S. spoke to NowThis News about mandatory sentencing and how it is fueling mass incarceration in the United States. Mandatory sentencing laws require certain punishments, typically prison time, if someone is found guilty of a crime. Which mean even in the case of plea deals mandatory minimum sentences are enforced even if the person might be innocent. These public defenders are calling for criminal justice reform to this imbalance in the criminal justice system.

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