(194) Why Does Donald Trump Sniff So Much? (w/ Dr. Justin A. Frank) - YouTube

(194) Why Does Donald Trump Sniff So Much? (w/ Dr. Justin A. Frank) - YouTube

I told a certain Sister Survivor a long time ago, that Donald John Trump is an extremely evil Human Trafficking organized criminal who is involved in the horrific drug war (yes he does a lot himself, I am not mad about that so much, however) .fraud, theft, extortion, money laundering, tortures, trafficking, and more... all of which are very serious crimes against humanity!

#EndtheDrugWar #anticorruption #antihumantrafficking #NoMoreStolenSisters #EndIt N.O.W.


Shawnee Lazore HHD, PhD


Why Does Donald Trump Sniff So Much? (w/ Dr. Justin A. Frank)

Feb 17, 2020
210K subscribers
Is Trump taking class A stuff? If you look at the way when he talks, that he sniffs so much . . .well. Dr. Justin A. Frank, clinical professor, joined Thom and discussed the history of Trump and what he may have taken in the past and the perhaps in the present.


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